Thursday, 12 November 2015

Practical Task - Typography

For my practical task I plan to create and edit my own typography. I decided to use our Production Company name 'Mirror Productions' as the text when creating my typography as it would be easier and quicker than coming up with a film name.

I began by opening a word document and typing out 'Mirror Productions' in a simple and bold font in white and placed in on a black background. This gave me a simple font to start my typography with, which I could edit and manipulate to make it suitable for a horror or slasher film.

I then inserted the image into Photoshop and used the clone tool to clone the dark background and add dark shadows to the words. This made the text look dark and worn down as well as making it look metallic as if it was made from a hard material such as metal. 

I then used the smudge tool to distort the text and make the letters uneven. I think that this was effective as it allowed me to make the text look like it has been stretched and manipulated so that the text wasn't uniform and was difficult to read.
I then used the sharpen tool all over the text. This made the text sharper and stand out more from the background. By using the sharpen tool I was also able to make the edges of the text clearer and choppier and this also added colour to the text and made it look uneven and as if there was a glitch in the text.

Finally, I used the clone tool again to clone some of the letters and make them longer and stretched out to make the text even more uneven and stretched and to make it more interesting. This also created a pattern on parts of the text which I think was effective as it made the text look like it was dripping of being pulled down and stretched by something.

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