Saturday, 21 November 2015

Practical Task - Location

For my practical task I went to an appropriate location for a slasher film as that would be the genre of the opening scene that we are going to make. The location that I chose was a woods, and it has a connecting orchard. When I went to the location I took pictures with long shots of the whole surrounding so that it would set the scene and help show the genre and I also took some close up shots of things that were around for example I took pictures of a table, a chicken hut which was damaged and a pile of logs. All of these things that I took close up shots of would be suitable for a slasher horror. The use of a woods and an outdoor space helps conform to the common representations of where slasher horror films are set.

Below are the pictures that I took on my location scouting task:
This first picture is of a damaged shed or old storage building which could help portray the genre and be in the background of the opening scene as it creates uneasiness.
This picture below is an edited picture of the shed shown above.
This picture of the branches, leaves, and plants help to show how overgrown it is and suits the common representations of a slasher horror as these things could be used as an obstruction. 

This table that I took a close up of is effective because it is unusual to have one table in the woods. Also the table has moss on it so it emphasises that it could have been there for a long time with no use.

 This is a long shot of the whole woods and it is showing how enclosed it is and that there is a lot of trees and leaves which would be suitable for a slasher horror film.

This chicken hut which is shown in overgrown greenery and twigs could be used as an interesting part of the of the mise-en-scene which could be shown in a film opening.

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