Monday, 2 November 2015

Practical Task - Production Company

As a group we decided on the name 'Mirror Productions' for our company as it didn't specify any specific genre and enabled us to be more creative with our company logos. Using this name I decided that it would be a good idea to use a mirror in my Production Company Title as it would be effective and suitable along with the name.

I began by collecting all the materials I would be needing in my opening titles. This included a camera, tripod, mirror, hammer and some bin bags.

I then set up all the materials by laying the mirror on the two bin bags outside so that I could catch as much of the glass as possible. I also set up the camera on the tripod and angled it so that the mirror was focused on and there were no distracting objects in the surrounding frame.

I then set the camera to the correct settings and ensured that the mirror was focused on. I also placed the hammer on the mirror to ensure it was in focus and that I would hit the mirror in the correct place when filming. I then proceeded to start filming on the camera and hitting the mirror with force to ensure it smashed completely.

I then edited my film. I began by importing the video and cutting it to the desired length so that it wasn't too long. Once I had done this I cut the film into sections and removed the sound where it wasn't needed, this enabled me to remove any background noise except the noise of the smashing glass. I then put the video into slow motion to make the glass smashing more dramatic and easier to see as well as to make the video slightly longer and it was very short. Finally, I added the text 'Mirror Productions' in a bold white font with a black outline to make it stand out and easier to see on top of the mirror in the background.

Finished Product:

I think that the editing of my Production Company opening was successful as I was able to make the smashing of the mirror dramatic by slowing it down and making the sound louder. I also think that my opening was successful as the use of the mirror related well to the name we came up with as a group and made it more effective as a whole.
However, I would improve my opening by using a different background as I feel that the black bin bags looked boring and I could've smashed the mirror on a more effective background such as an old floor such as cracked tiles or rubble.

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