Sunday, 15 November 2015

Practical Task - Sounds

For my practical task i created my own sound effects for a horror genre. I recorded them all on an apple software called Garage Band which enabled me to edit and save them.

The first idea I came up with was the sound of a door slamming. I decided on this because it is a common sound effect particularly in supernatural horrors and was easy to produce. Using Garage Band, I recorded a door slamming and edited it to make it a lot more effective. I increased the reverb level to make this sound creepy. 

This is the editing process on Garage Band:

This is my final sound effect:

The second sound effect I made was the sound of heavy footsteps. I chose this because it is really effective in horror films when building suspense and apprehension for the audience. I created this by wearing a pair of heeled boots on a tiled floor and again recording and editing on Garage Band. I made this sound effective by increasing the track volume and enhanced the reverb level. 

This is the second final sound effect:

Finally, the third sound I created was a scream. I decided this would be effective because it is a sound which creates tension within a horror film. This time I added a slight echo to make it sound more effective, increased its pitch to make the scream high and again increased the reverb level.

This is my third final sound effect:

What went well?
The use of Garage Band went well because I was able to successfully enhance my sounds and make them a lot more effective than just a basic recording. I think that increasing the reverb level was particularly effective, and also the echo on the screaming sound effect made it the most successful.

What would I improve?
I think to make my sound effects better I would edit them more professionally to mute any background white noise. 
I also think I would improve the footsteps sound effect by making them last longer and creating an echo effect. 

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