Saturday, 7 November 2015

Practical Task - Location

For this Practical Task I visited the woods behind my house, I decided to photograph these woods as our genre for our Coursework task will be Horror or Slasher and I feel that the location would be suitable for both of these. When visiting the woods I made sure to take photos of the location as well as smaller details that could be effective when filming a Horror or Slasher Opening Scene. I took these photos when it was light, however, this location may be more effective in the dark and would fit well with both genres. Here are some of the images I took:

Smaller details like this fence and barbed wire may be useful and effective to use as mise-en-scene when filming in the woods.

This hut was old and rustic, covered in moss and cobwebs and would be effective to use in a horror or slasher opening scene.

This gate could also be used when filming our coursework as it was rustic and old and would work in a horror or slasher opening scene.

In conclusion I feel that this location would be suitable to film a horror or slasher film opening in as it can be filmed when it is getting dark to get the correct atmosphere and make it eerie. It is also very isolated a common feature when picking locations as those in the area cannot be helped as no one else is around. However, one issue with filming in this location could be that the lighting may not be suitable as it will get dark quick and it may be difficult to see what has been captured when filming.

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