Monday, 9 November 2015

Practical Task - Sound - Louise Hyam

For my practical task I created sound for a horror film. The way that I did this was by recording what I wanted to record separately and then I edited all of my different soundtracks together to make two different soundtracks.

The props that I used to record my sound track that I made were;
    2 pint glasses
    a plastic bag
    a hammer
    a squeaky door
    First of all in order to be able to make my sound I had to get all the props ready and how they needed to be so they would make the right sound.
1. Firstly I got my two pint glasses that I wanted to use.
 2. I then placed them inside a plastic bag which I had previously cut up.
This is the plastic bag that I cut up.
 This is the pint glasses inside of the cut up plastic bag.

3. I then taped together the plastic bag and did it up so that it was tightly compacted. I did this so that I would be able to drop it from a fairly high height in order for it to make the loud sound that I anticipated.
This is the plastic bag done up with the pint glasses inside in order for them to be dropped and I would be able to record the sound.
To record the first bit of my soundtrack I dropped two glasses on the floor which were wrapped in the plastic bag and that is how I got the glass sound and to get the loud bang with the glass for my second part of the sound I recorded I used a hammer and smashed it against the two pint glasses in order for it to smash and make that sound. To get the sound of the squeaky door I used a squeaky door and I opened it slowly so the squeaking sound would become prominent and stand out as an unusual creepy thing to happen within my sound I recorded.
After recording the three parts of my sound I edited it so the two parts I recorded were cropped and only included sounds I wanted.
 What went well?
I think the sounds that I chose to record fit in well with the genre of a horror because the sounds would be creepy if someone was to listen to it because it would be a loud bang and then a squeaky door slowly opening if they were put together when I made the real thing and this is with an unknown reason to the person listening to it. I also think that I edited it well as I connected all my recordings together to make a full one that had been edited together.
What would I improve next time?
If I did this for my final product I think to improve the sound overall it needs to be longer and I could maybe when I edit it add some background sounds or music or I could have sped parts up a bit more or slowed parts down so they become a lot longer and prominent to the person listening.
 This is my final glass edited sound:

 This is my final glass and door edited sound:

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