The first film title I looked at was Halloween. Below is the film title page for it:
This title for this film is fictive because the word ''Halloween'' can be associated with spooky things. As it is associated with spookiness, horror and gore this is likely to have an effect on the audience. This could foreshadow the genre of a slasher horror. The effect that it will have on the audience is that it is just a one word title but it portrays parts of the theme that are going to come within the film. The use of just a one word title is also very effective because it is short and creates a quick impact upon them.
The second film I decided to look at the title was Nightmare on elm street.
The title of this film portrays the idea that something bad is going to happen within the film through the use of the word ''Nightmare'' this word is effective upon the audience because they are unsure what the nightmare will be within the film and this will make them want to watch it so that they could find out after seeing the title what it is about.
The third slasher horror film that I looked at was Friday the 13th.
This title is effective because it relates to another horror related day in the year like halloween. This can also foreshadow the theme of horror excuse it is related to thad things that happen. This will be effective on the audience because it doesn't portray much about what is going to happen so this is effective upon making the audience want to watch it after seeing the title advertised.
The fourth film title I looked at for my deconstruction was Behind The Mask.
The film title ''Behind The Mask'' creates an uneasy effect on the audience straight away. It does this because the audience are unaware of what could be behind the mask. This title is effective because the effect it creates on the audience is an effect where they are unsure what the title means and they know that something may be behind the mask but they are unsure what, therefore this is an effective title because it will make them want to find out what is behind the mask. This title could also be fictive because it is very vague and gives little away about the film.
The last film that I chose when I deconstructed was Scream.
This film title is effective firstly because it is very short and snappy. The effectiveness of it being one word is that it doesn't give much away to the audience except about what the word says. The word ''scream'' suggest struggle and needing help, it suggests this because people usually scream when they are in trouble or in need of help. This therefore could portray from the title what may happen in the film.