Monday, 8 February 2016

Shooting Script

A shooting script was needed in order to prepare our filming beforehand so that we did not forget anything and were able to manage our time to get all our footage filmed in one day.

Meeting day: Saturday, 16th January 2016

Meeting time: 11.00 AM

Meeting place: Gemma's house - Close to our chosen location for filming

Travel Arrangements: Hollie, Louise and Ashleigh all traveled to Gemma's house by car separately. This is where we all met, gathered everything we needed, and made our way to the woods with the dog which took about 5-10 minutes to walk.


Hollie: Dagger, phone

Ashleigh: Camera & tripod, black boots, black jacket, black hooded coat

Louise: Fake blood, ripped top in blood


Ashleigh: The killer

Louise: Girl who gets killed

Gemma: Dead girl's friend - She is not part of our group but is a friend who was able to help us by acting in our film opening, bringing her dog, and getting to our location.

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