Monday, 1 February 2016

Refilming evaluation

Re filming evaluation:

Once we had finished filming out footage the first time round and we collected it all together onto the computer we realised that we didn't have enough footage to cover the time frame that we needed and that it didn't include all the camera angles and shots that we needed. As we had to re film this created a lot of practical issues within our group as we all had to available fairly soon and we had to all be able to get to the same location.

However some of these things weren't possible as in our first set of footage there was a girl who played the girl who gets chased and she was unable to make it for a long time which meant we had to change the person who played that part meaning that we had to re film most of the footage which had her in it with the girl who was going to play her part.

Another practical issue that we encountered was trying to all be able to get back to the same location which we used before which also wasn't possible but as it was a woods within our footage it isn't visible that other parts were filmed in a different location.

Once we had overcome these problems and we had a new set of footage the footage that we obtained was better than the first time and this is due to the fact that we knew what we were going to film with a more detailed storyboard and we knew that we needed more footage with more camera angles in it. Once wed had re filmed it and we collated all of our new footage we had a lot more footage which we were able to edit with and we could cut parts and use. Also the camera angles within our footage were more varied.

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