Friday, 5 February 2016

Editing - Sound

Once we had completed the cutting and editing we began searching for sound clips which we could use in our film opening. This included a scream, a twig snapping, a phone ringing and running footsteps. We began searching for the clips by looking on Soundcloud and Youtube as we felt that the ones we recorded ourselves weren't very good quality. Once we had found the clips we felt would work in our film opening we used clip converter to download the sound clips and then began adding them to our film opening where they were needed.

We cut the sounds to the correct length so they fitted with the footage well and looked realistic when played back to ensure that it was smooth and easy to watch. We also adjusted the volume of the sound so that in sections where the sound was coming from a distance it sounded as if it was.

Here is the evidence of the sound being downloaded, added into our film opening and edited to make it fit correctly with the footage:

This is the evidence of us using Soundcloud to research for the different sound effects we needed to use in our film opening. We found that there were very limited sounds and so looked on Youtube where we found a bigger variety of sound effects that we could use.

 We then inserted the sound effects where they were needed in our film opening. We added in the girls scream, the phone ringing and the running footsteps. We cut them to the correct length using the blade tool so that they fitted well with the footage and made it the appropriate volume to make it sound realistic and effective.

Whilst adding in the sound we thought that it would be effective for there to be a loud bang at the end as the title for the film opening appeared. We found a sound effect on Youtube and imported it into the film. We added it onto the end and increased the volume so that it was dramatic and sudden when it appeared at the end.

Finally, when we played back the film opening we found that it was completely silent for most of the film opening and that we needed an effective soundtrack in the background as it lead up to the killing. We found a soundtrack on Youtube that was dramatic and eerie and helped to build tension in the film opening. We imported it and added it at the beginning so it played throughout, we also decreased the volume so that it wasn't too loud and the other sound effects added could be heard easily over the soundtrack. We also edited it so that it gradually faded out towards the end of the film opening as the girl was captured and killed so that all the sound effects could be heard easily.

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