Film Opening Feedback:
Once we had submitted our first initial draft we received feedback from other people who viewed our film opening. This showed us and highlighted areas that we need to improve before submitting our final piece.
Generally from the feedback that we received everyone who viewed our film opening they were able to work out the genre of our film opening which is a slasher horror and this was seen through the use of blood, weapons and chase scenes.
The feedback that we received about our sound choices shows that we need to improve our sound the whole way throughout the film opening. With the feedback we received it states sound effects sounded like they were fake. Also in some of the feedback we received we got told to change the sound to a different sound during the chase scene which is more fast paced. The feedback from our sound also showed us that it should get louder and louder towards the end for effect.
Another comment that we received across all of our feedback was that some of the clips could be made shorter as they last to long and become in effective. There was two main clips that were highlighted to us to be made shorter which was the footsteps clip with the girl running and the clip of the dog running as they last too long.
A lot of our feedback that we received shows that the end title 'The Woods' that appears at the end of our film opening and a lot of our feedback shows that they liked the title because it linked well with the genre of our film opening and showed many conventions through the use of a title and typography.
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