Wednesday, 24 February 2016


After submitting the first draft of our film opening we received peer feedback to find out what could be improved. The areas that they wrote about were the genre, sound, editing, titles, what the liked, and what they thought could be improved.

Most of our feedback mainly focused on the editing, titles and sound which needed to be altered or improved. The majority of our peers recognised that our film opening was a slasher horror and identified some of the conventions, such as the blood, dagger, female victim and an isolated location which was positive.

A major aspect which we received a lot of feedback on was the sound. The positive feedback was based mainly on the girl's scream and the footsteps which were said to be very effective. The non-diegetic soundtrack used was also liked by many as they said it worked well in building suspension and fit the film opening well. However, the majority of feedback suggested that it should get louder and more tense towards the end as the next killing approaches. From this we knew that we needed to add in the most dramatic part of the soundtrack and increase the volume of it.

Most groups gave positive feedback on our editing and said that it all worked really well, ran smoothly and contained a wide range of camera angles and shots used which made it successful. The match-on-action and POV shots were favoured as they were said to be very effective and worked successfully. Two criticisms we did receive were the length of some shots; such as the girl removing her jumper and the dog running. This let us know we had to crop these shots further.

We received lots of compliments on our main title 'The Woods' which was said to be simple but very effective. However, most groups told us that we needed a lot more opening credits throughout the film opening to make it look more successful and professional. One group also suggested that we could be more creative with the positioning of some of the names.

One aspect which most groups really liked was the use of the dog as an actor, making it more realistic and unique. However, the main improvements we have realised we need to make are adding in and improving the sound - diegetic and non-diegetic.

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