When we had all of our footage edited and in the right order we needed to decide which professional production company we were going to use before our own production company. Before deciding this we had all done research on production companies so we had three to chose from that were related to the genre of our film opening. The way in which we went about deciding on which one would work and fit best was by looking back through the blogs and research we had done on production companies before and then re watching each of them
The production company that we decided on was Blumhouse and this was the one that I had previously researched prior to filming . We decided upon this one because it fits well with Ashleigh's own production company that we chose to use and it works well with the genre of our film opening.
Here is the production company in our footage:
After deciding upon the professional production company we were going to use we then as a group had to decide out of our own made production companies which one we were going to use. We followed the same procedure and looked back over the blogs and re watched each one. Once we had done this as a group we decided that we were going to use Ashleigh's this is because it showed the genre of our film opening effectively and was the one within the group that was of a high standard for our film opening.
As you can see from the screenshot above of the own made production company the name is also effective as it works well with the backing of the production company and helps to show the genre.
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