Evaluation for
Preliminary Task - Planning
What was
Firstly we were
told what we had to include within our filming task and we had to make sure
that all of these were shown on the storyboard and were also in the film. After
being told what our film had to include as a group we had to think about what
are film was going to be about and how we were going to include all of the
necessary requirements. As a group we came up with a plot line of a girl
getting annoyed at her friend because she kisses her boyfriend. Then we decided
after deciding on the plot how we would include with regards to filming and
camera angles the match on action, shot reverse shot, 180° rule and an over the
shoulder shot. In our storyboard we had also had to include how we would
demonstrate the other things that needed to be included like opening a door,
someone crossing a room, someone sitting down in a char opposite another
character with whom he/she exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. After we
had the plot and knew everything that needed to be included we started our
storyboard. We did this by drawing out the characters and making sure it
follows the plot line. Then once we had drawn out the characters with the plot
line we made sure that it included everything that was in the brief and also
focused on making sure the storyboard demonstrated the different camera angles.
After completing we decided if any props were needed and no props were required
for our filming we then also had to decide who was going to take part in the
film because it had to be people from our group so we picked two people to be
in the film (Louise and Hollie) whilst we planned that Ashleigh would then do
the filming. After deciding upon that we had to decide where we were going to
film our film in relation to what our plot was and what was shown on our
storyboard. We decided to use a classroom within the school because it had to
be filmed within school time so we used a classroom because it matched our plot
and was suitable for everything we needed to include.
Below is the
storyboard that we made in the planning stage:
What went well?
Within our planning the part that went well was that we made sure we were fully ready for filming we made sure that we had the location sorted that we were going to use and planned who was going to be in the film so that it saved time on the day and we also made sure that we had any extra props that we needed if we needed any. When we planned our film we planned the dialogue that was going to be said between the two people in the conversation so that didn’t have to be decided on the day. All in all our planning went well because we used the planning time to make sure that we had enough time to film and we had everything sorted for the filming so we had our full filming time. I also think another thing that went well was that when we made the storyboard we included the camera angles and shots that we were going to use.
Problems encountered:
The problems that
we encountered were that we had very limited timing and space that we could use
was also limited, as it had to be done within school time. If we had
longer time we would be able to make the film longer as it was quite short and
we would have been able to add more detail if we had more time. Also if we weren’t
limited to the setting that we had to use we would have been able to choose a
more interesting location instead of using a classroom.
What we would
change if we did it again:
If we could do the
preliminary task again the things that we would change as a group about the
planning stage is making sure that the storyboard is fully detailed. We would
make sure that the camera angles are fully labeled on the storyboard and that specific
camera angles that needed to be within our film were clearly labeled so when we
were filming we knew exactly when we looked at our storyboard what camera angle
needed to be included in what part of the film.
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