Effectiveness for genre:
At the beginning of the opening titles of Se7en the effectiveness of the genre of a psychological horror is shown when there is a shot of someone committing a crime shown by the use of a razor or a sharp item. However the camera shot just shows the hands of the person committing the crime and this happens throughout the opening titles. The reason that this is done is to protect the identity and the facial characteristics of the criminal so that they cannot be identified just from watching the opening titles and just show close up shots of either the weapon or the hands or the crime happening. This is done so that it doesn't give anything away in the film, the reason that in the opening titles they don't give anything away is so that the audience who view this will be more intrigued for the film and it will keep the audience unsure of who it is as in the opening titles the faces of peoples committing crimes are never shown. This is shown in the below screenshot the use of weapons also helps to show the genre of a psychological horror because it shows that people commit crimes and the mise-en-scene used in the opening titles helps to portray this.
The way that the opening titles of Se7en are introduced helps to link with the film and the fact that it is a psychological horror. In the opening titles there is a lot of religious links that are made through the use of the titles and the photography and backgrounds behind the opening titles. One of the ways that the religious links are shown is through majorly in the opening titles is the really close up shots of the Bible when introducing the opening titles when sections of the Bible are being highlighted. The use of religion in the opening titles suggests that religion is a huge link within the film with things such as the 7 deadly sins being a huge thing shown within the opening credits and there is a lot of reference to 'God' in the opening titles from the Bible. These things being focused on in the opening titles are suggesting that these could be significant within the film and that religion plays a role in the film so it helps to give away part of the background information of the film. This is shown in the picture below when there is a reference to 'God' as part of the opening titles:
The opening titles of Se7en are made to be effective and show the idea of a psychological horror all of the way through the opening titles because of the editing that is used. The titles are not shown for very long and they are shown very short and quickly which just from seeing the titles creates a jumpy effect as they change very quickly. Also another way that editing is used effectively throughout the opening titles is that the way the titles overlap and show a blurry quick synopsis of scenes from the film which gives some of the film away to the viewer already through the opening titles.
Also the opening titles are showed very quickly which shows a sense of mysteriousness as the viewer of the opening titles of Se7en does not get revealed very much due to the editing as the titles don't last long and the faces of people are never given away it is only ever the weapon used. Below is a screenshot of an example when the audience don't get shown for very long the names and when they are edited and all blurred on the screen with other edited features such as lines added onto the opening titles and there is also a shadowing effect of the colour of the names presented next to the names, this helps to present the genre as it shows a sense of uneasiness and that there is blurry sense to the film and this could conform to a psychological horror because it plays on the audiences mind.
The opening titles also introduce some of the titles with pictures behind them as part of the typography for some of this these go with the opening titles that are coming up and give away part of the film at a short quick glance and some of the stuff that comes up behind the opening titles is eerie and this will create the same effect for the film.
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